CCJ is proud of the great work our staff does every day! Here is our 2022 Impact Story shared with client permission from one of our previous clients:
“When I first came to CCJ a glimmer of hope is all I had. My life had been completely unmanageable, and I had finally realized it. I had no clue as to who I really was. About the only thing that I did know was how unhappy I was with myself and the choices I had been making.
I was assigned to CCJ for theft and as I thought about how I was going to explain to my new probation officer what my reason for stealing the bike the only thing that make sense to me was telling the truth.
I began to pray about this decision. I prayed that God would give me the courage to be honest and that he would allow the truth to be received and that the right kind of help would be given. Soon after praying I was given that glimmer of hope the words “Creative Justice” stood out boldly. They didn’t carry out the same ominous outlook as the officers in this field carry. So, at that moment telling the truth was my final choice.

In my first meeting at CCJ with Cheri DeGroot, she sure enough asked me why I stole the bike. My response was because, I was going to trade it for drugs. I told her that I didn’t like stealing and if I could get help with my addiction I would not have to steal. Right there began my Journey with CCJ and my first step in recovery. I can tell you my battle was far from over. I continued to struggle with my addiction but, now I was not alone and if not for the sincere effort of CCJ’s Cheri DeGroot, I would not have had the confidence to face my addiction. She built hope for recovery in me. She helped me set small goals and get them accomplished. She helped me believe I was worth it and for that reason it has given me great Joy to pass those hopes on to others struggling.
Today, I am giving back. I am currently a live in, Resident Advisor for a program that teaches men how to be self-sufficient. I have a great job and do work that helps the community. I am rebuilding the broken relationships in my life. I have gained a level of self-respect that I didn’t know was possible. All in all, my experience with CCJ was one of the most important experiences in my adult life.”